Starting Out

I should start out by saying I've been thinking about what I enjoy in my life. What I enjoy and what I do for work overlap, and while not perfect matches, suit something I'm passionate about:

Meeting new people.

People who know me are familiar with the fact I have a penchant for talking to strangers. It's an incredibly persistent, insatiable itch that I can't help but scratch. My mom doesn't necessarily think it's safe, and while I'm inclined to agree, I have both my parents to thank for that trait. They both have proclivities to talking to strangers and really do a great job of it.

Since I enjoy writing, and find that I don't do it often, I'm going to try to make a goal for myself. Everyday, I'm going to try to write about someone I met. Here are the rules:

  1. I need to write every day about someone I met.  
  2. If I didn't meet anyone new, write about someone I have met that isn't someone I have a friendship with.
  3. If there are ties, and there may be ties in Someone I Met that day who I want to talk about... I have to find a connection in the people that I write about or else it's not going to be very challenging. 

Most of these posts will probably contain questions I have regarding the person I met... And rightfully so. It's similar to my Musings, but really just documenting my fascination for people in conjunction with my own introspection. 

It should be interesting, and I hope you enjoy it.