22 December 2017

Today I met a med school student. 

I respect people who go to med school, it's truly a calling. But man, some people... Just let it get to their heads. Here's our conversation.

"Hey, how's it going today? Can I help you with anything?"
"No, I'm good, how are you doing?"
"Well, I'm cold."
"Oh. That's too bad, maybe you can set all the computers on fire."

Ok, this was probably an obvious attempt at flirting, but let's continue.

"That might be good in the short term, but it won't work out in the long term since I won't have a job."
"Well, you know, you gotta YOLO."
"Nah, I'm good. Anyway, what do you do?"
"I'm a med school student."
"You're a med school student and you're telling me to YOLO? Isn't that a 10 year commitment?"
"Yeah, but that's ok. What are you? In college?"
"No, I'm done with college."
"Oh, so we're almost the same age."
"When did you graduate high school?"
"Oh, so you're like a year younger than me. Wow, so old." 

The heck? It's only a year.

"Slow down, it's only a year."
"Well a lot can happen in a year, like you could set this place on fire and finally be warm."
"Yeah... Or you could fail med school."
"It wouldn't take me a year."
"You're right, it would take you a semester."