One Year of People

I know this post is overdue by a bunch, but hey. I made it through one year of meeting different kinds of people.

What did I learn?

My first instinct is to say nothing but that's not true. Through doing this project, I feel like I've become braver. I'm still painfully uncomfortable in large group settings, but when I'm in control of the conversation... It's a lot easier for me to make a genuine connection. 

People are more likely to share information when you have a real interest in what they're doing. I already knew that, so it's nice to receive the validation. Despite everything, people are more open than you may initially think, and there's a lot of potential to connect with anyone. Finding the best place to start is hard, but gets easier with practice. 

Getting to know people isn't just practice. It's also putting yourself out there. You're never going to meet new people if you keep going to the same places. It was a good way to force myself out on my days off. It was also a great way to try new things and explore different places. Vacation is the obvious and easy way to do it, but you can always make an adventure at home. 

Overall, it wasn't an easy project. I like spending time by myself, so forcing interaction was tiring at times. It still is. Doing this helped me flip the switch quicker. It doesn't change my inclinations, but it does give me tools for the future. 

Will this project continue?

Maybe in some form. I haven't yet decided what that will look like yet. I know I haven't exactly been keeping up with it. A lot of that has to do with the fact that I work at a corporate office right now.

I'll revisit the idea when... Well, when I know what's next in my future.

Until then, check out my new project: Roaming 'Round Redmond.