3 January 2018

Today I met a girl who just didn't know what she wanted.

She came into the store and wanted to look at a specific computer. Sure. I helped her with that. She said she didn't know much about computers, so I took time to explain the specs. She then hit me with some questions.

"What are you doing with your computer?"
"Business development and graphics design."
"What programs are you using?"
"Oh I don't know, whatever my friends gave me."
"What programs did your friends give you?"
"Just whatever is in the box."
"Ok... Is Adobe Photoshop one of them?"
"Oh yeah, I'm using it." 
"I might recommend the one with more RAM and storage space."
"Why? Isn't 128GB enough?"
"It is, but if you're using Photoshop your images are going to start to take up a lot of space. I mean, unless you plan on backing it up all the time."
"Oh I back it up."
"What are you backing it up to?"
"A USB drive."

Bruh. If you're backing your stuff up to a USB drive, I doubt it's going to be enough space. This girl was just aggressively ignorant. It hurt me. 

"This is a good computer right?"
"Well yeah, what are you using now?"
"A Mac."
"So why don't you want to use a Mac?"
"Oh because I heard this was better.


"Can you show me how Photoshop works on this computer?"
"... We don't have demos of that on the computer."
"Oh but I want to see how it's better."

BRUH. I was done. How the hell are you going to do photoshop and business development if you need someone to show you how to do it? And why are you so aggressively ignorant about this? If your friends are giving you software shouldn't you also ask them what to look for in a computer? And if you're not going to listen to me, why are you interrupting me.

WHY. The worst part about this is that this girl looked like she was so hardcore. She had her Doc Marten boots and half shaved head. If you're going into business development, why aren't you more assertive about what you're looking for? If you're developing a business, you should probably know where to start.

I was super annoyed, so I gave the sale to someone else.