2 January 2018

Today I met a former CEO.

If I recall correctly, he used to own a financial asset management company. However, he lost his position in a merger and was looking to open up another company. He and his wife are particularly successful, and his success has afforded his wife the ability to stay home with their daughter. However, he did express concerns that they were pushing their daughter in academics faster than she wanted to be pushed.

I helped him with some of his computer stuff, and he said to me that if there's any advice he could give me... Invest in real estate. It sounds like they did, and they're doing quite well for themselves. 

He also said the most important thing for him was that his daughter was happy. I was really amazed at how grounded and kind he was despite his obvious well being. Humility is important, and it's something that was very evident in him from our conversation.