a half lie

who is he?
you guessed at his name
but only got the first letter right
you were close to the truth
but there were still a few men to name

just a friend
a half lie
but omitting its full benefits
i was close to our truth
but there was one we left unnamed

what are we?
the question we spiraled
through the years cycled
neither of us dared to ask
both of us knew

how could you be mine
when you exist in the abstract to my friends,
a vague resemblance of a good man
rolling from high to high
within the stoned tomb you called a life?

how could i be yours
when i exist as a convenient ideal to your friends,
the perfect woman when she wandered home
catering to your every whim
a prison within her fractured life?

we belonged to each other in name only
great in theory, but never application
so we danced around
the blame game
the find your faults game
the who’s right and who’s wrong game

tell me the truth babe
who would you name?