visions sweet and viscous

hallucinations of a shared future
call for me at the witching hour
you’re lonely without your demons
your favorite looks just like me

visions sweet and viscous
summon me to your bedroom door
reason ushers me in
before making its escape
if i’m standing in front of you
it’s already too late

your delusion dances in delight 
can you handle me this time?

my tongue carves spells into your flesh
teeth weave my venom into your sinew
so if you tear into me
i cut twice into you

trace those paths back on my body
with your tongue or favorite sword
choose any weapon in your arsenal
the worst of me endures

searing kisses cauterize our wounds
while we indulge our fiercest urges
you curse my name next to gods
but i never swear to yours

this ritual practiced during lunar highs
but never repeated in the day’s light
each night etches new signs into your walls
alongside the runes of our past demise

no oaths should be made
when pleasure dulls the clarity of pain

i saw the warnings
long before they were written
ecstasy clawed out your eyes
before you chose to read them

morning comes
the enchantment falters
the sun boils my poison
along with your blood
you ache because of me
but crave my tainted company

there’s a chance for you to end us
to deal our finishing blow
but you’re swept up again
by the might of my moon
and it feels too good to stop us