two weeks

Anticipation charged the air.
Our friends told me when they heard.
When she avoided my gaze,
I knew. 

Two weeks for her fill the spot I once slept.
Two weeks for her to become more than a friend.
How did she catch everyone’s eyes and choose yours?
How dare you say it just happened?

As if bodies braided in bedsheets is a random occurrence,
as if heartbreak you chose is tragic happenstance. 

Two weeks ago you said you loved me,
I wouldn’t say those words to you.
I’m not sure I could commit yet.
I’m not sure I ever want to. 

You said it’s for the best,
I hate that you might be right,
It’s more than my pride can take. 

Maybe I could change in more ways,
to stretch my skin closer to my bones
to find bigger ways to mean less. 

But what about me is so wrong that
two weeks so quickly
became too late?