One Year of People

I know this post is overdue by a bunch, but hey. I made it through one year of meeting different kinds of people.

What did I learn?

My first instinct is to say nothing but that's not true. Through doing this project, I feel like I've become braver. I'm still painfully uncomfortable in large group settings, but when I'm in control of the conversation... It's a lot easier for me to make a genuine connection. 

People are more likely to share information when you have a real interest in what they're doing. I already knew that, so it's nice to receive the validation. Despite everything, people are more open than you may initially think, and there's a lot of potential to connect with anyone. Finding the best place to start is hard, but gets easier with practice. 

Getting to know people isn't just practice. It's also putting yourself out there. You're never going to meet new people if you keep going to the same places. It was a good way to force myself out on my days off. It was also a great way to try new things and explore different places. Vacation is the obvious and easy way to do it, but you can always make an adventure at home. 

Overall, it wasn't an easy project. I like spending time by myself, so forcing interaction was tiring at times. It still is. Doing this helped me flip the switch quicker. It doesn't change my inclinations, but it does give me tools for the future. 

Will this project continue?

Maybe in some form. I haven't yet decided what that will look like yet. I know I haven't exactly been keeping up with it. A lot of that has to do with the fact that I work at a corporate office right now.

I'll revisit the idea when... Well, when I know what's next in my future.

Until then, check out my new project: Roaming 'Round Redmond.

8 January 2018

Today, I met a bunch of different people I'd be interacting with, on and off... For the next 3 months!

I applied for a work program that allows me to live and work at Redmond to grow my work experience, marketability, and career. I'm super awkward when I first meet people, so that's always fun. Overall though, my first week will be jam-packed because we're just jumping in.

Either way, I'm super excited to do stuff here... Which will put this project down on hiatus for the best reasons possible! 

5 January 2018

Today, I met my parents' accountant. 

He's pretty fascinating. Though he's an accountant, he said he really is in the business for people and helping them. In about an hour, I think I learned more of his life than I felt necessary. Leaving out some really confidential stuff, here were some good pieces: 

  • Taught while his first wife went to med school. While the two eventually divorced, she refused to take him for anything. Her reasoning was that without him, she wouldn't be where she is. He also made it a point to take their children to eat meals with their mother on days she was on duty. I believe she's the head of a med school department in the mainland now. 
  • His mother was a Broadway singer, so the #MeToo movement doesn't surprise him. He shared that his parents often wondered if she should have conceded just so they would make it.
  • One of his family members used to own the NY Giants. 
  • He's Auli'i Cravahlo's accountant, and he warned her mother about Hollywood culture.
  • He was once busted for supposedly running a prostitution parlor... But the judge threw the case out because none of the women would testify against him since he actually treated all of them very well.

There was more, but I think those are more his children's stories than his own. He was a cool cat, and I wouldn't mind running into him again. 

4 January 2018

Today I met my new neighbors.

They're super friendly, though it was a little weird since the first interaction we heard was... Well, someone had broken into their house and there was a commotion caused and the would be burglars got hurt.

Anyway, these people are super nice. Husband works for Hawaiiantel and the wife works for Philippine Airlines, which is always late. That confirms what everyone else has ever said about it to me. 

The nice thing about Filipino people from the motherland is that they automatically gravitate to forming communities with the people around them. It's an enviable for many people who are looking for a sense of belonging. It's something I find wonderful and beautiful about my culture. 

3 January 2018

Today I met a girl who just didn't know what she wanted.

She came into the store and wanted to look at a specific computer. Sure. I helped her with that. She said she didn't know much about computers, so I took time to explain the specs. She then hit me with some questions.

"What are you doing with your computer?"
"Business development and graphics design."
"What programs are you using?"
"Oh I don't know, whatever my friends gave me."
"What programs did your friends give you?"
"Just whatever is in the box."
"Ok... Is Adobe Photoshop one of them?"
"Oh yeah, I'm using it." 
"I might recommend the one with more RAM and storage space."
"Why? Isn't 128GB enough?"
"It is, but if you're using Photoshop your images are going to start to take up a lot of space. I mean, unless you plan on backing it up all the time."
"Oh I back it up."
"What are you backing it up to?"
"A USB drive."

Bruh. If you're backing your stuff up to a USB drive, I doubt it's going to be enough space. This girl was just aggressively ignorant. It hurt me. 

"This is a good computer right?"
"Well yeah, what are you using now?"
"A Mac."
"So why don't you want to use a Mac?"
"Oh because I heard this was better.


"Can you show me how Photoshop works on this computer?"
"... We don't have demos of that on the computer."
"Oh but I want to see how it's better."

BRUH. I was done. How the hell are you going to do photoshop and business development if you need someone to show you how to do it? And why are you so aggressively ignorant about this? If your friends are giving you software shouldn't you also ask them what to look for in a computer? And if you're not going to listen to me, why are you interrupting me.

WHY. The worst part about this is that this girl looked like she was so hardcore. She had her Doc Marten boots and half shaved head. If you're going into business development, why aren't you more assertive about what you're looking for? If you're developing a business, you should probably know where to start.

I was super annoyed, so I gave the sale to someone else. 

2 January 2018

Today I met a former CEO.

If I recall correctly, he used to own a financial asset management company. However, he lost his position in a merger and was looking to open up another company. He and his wife are particularly successful, and his success has afforded his wife the ability to stay home with their daughter. However, he did express concerns that they were pushing their daughter in academics faster than she wanted to be pushed.

I helped him with some of his computer stuff, and he said to me that if there's any advice he could give me... Invest in real estate. It sounds like they did, and they're doing quite well for themselves. 

He also said the most important thing for him was that his daughter was happy. I was really amazed at how grounded and kind he was despite his obvious well being. Humility is important, and it's something that was very evident in him from our conversation. 

1 January 2018

Today I met some... People up Koko Head.

It was really an encouraging group of people up the hill, especially compared to the group on Friday. Maybe the fact it was the New Year helped, but everyone cheered each other on with small words of encouragement. From you can do it, to you're almost there, it's nice to start the new year with some positivity.

Plus, having a gorgeous view doesn't hurt at all.  

31 December 2017

Today I met some very friendly dogs at a dog park.

I probably was more of a nuisance to their owners though. At Christmas Tree Park in Kaimuki, there's a group of dog owners who walk their dogs up there around sunset. That's also where Tam and I were going to watch the last sunset of the year.

That was fine and dandy, but I wanted to bring some cheese and meat with us. So obviously... The dogs could smell it and were probably more interested in what we were doing with our drone and food than actually playing with each other. I'm sure the owners were a little annoyed.

But it's a park, and that's part of having a shared space. We did try to be as courteous as possible though! 


30 December 2017

Today I met a pharm tech.

I was actually eavesdropping into his conversation with a tourist about some medication. When it was my turn, I asked what happens when tourists need medicine.

Generally, tourists have to pay the whole price upfront. When they get home, they have to submit the receipts for reimbursement. I can't imagine how expensive some of that stuff is over the counter. I wonder how much the price difference is between here and at home. The kid also shared with me that things like codeine are offered over-the-counter in places like Canada and Australia... So for many tourists, not being able to get it OTC is a shock.

I guess this is why my company offering traveler's health insurance is a big deal? The more you know I guess. 

29 December 2017

Today I met some wait staff at Sushii.

It was my going away dinner with Khara, and she made reservations there. Having a good waiter is the difference between ordering a ton of food and also... Not. She didn't really many suggestions, though I don't know if that's common in an izakaya. That being said, Khara and I stuck to stuff we like: 

- unagi
- otoro
- short ribs

I'm sure there were other things, but I can't remember. Either way, A+ with what we did get. Plus side is that it got renovated and can fit more people than previously. I know a few people who'd be interested in going with me next time. 

28 December 2017

Today I met the staff at the Liliha Bakery on Nimitz.

They seemed... Nice. Really, a little inattentive, since I got no water refills during my time there. I also asked the hostess to take a picture of my friend and me, and well... She looked pretty over it. The location itself doesn't seem really busy, but I guess I'm wrong. 

At least most of the staff is Filipino, same as the other location. I bet that's why the food is still good. Haha, just kidding. 

27 December 2017

Today I met up with my gyno nurse.

She's new, or at least, I've never met her before. She seemed pretty gruff and unenthused to be there, but it's always hard to say what it is that people are actually thinking.

Though, I always wonder if gyno nurses are uncomfortable with seeing tons of vaginas. I guess it isn't really any different from the doctor themselves, though this girl's general disdain makes me wonder otherwise.

26 December 2017

Today I encountered some harassment. 

Khara and I were going to get lunch, and because of the rain, passed through the bottommost floor of the mall. While we were down there, I noticed some guys being really sketchy, but I continued walking on. 

We got our food and headed back to the store when we encountered them again. We made eye contact with one of them, and he proceeded to drop a bottle of Smirnoff. We headed up the escalator and were on our way to the store. Unfortunately, one of them started walking down on the up escalator and tried to get our attention. I have no idea what they were saying to us, but I know that everyone else was trying to ignore them also. We kept walking, and they followed us from the ground floor to the second floor and then to The Lanai. I didn't want to go to the store because I didn't want them to know where we work. 

At this point I was calling mall security, while Khara basically stopped, pushed her finger into the middle of his chest, and said, "Yo. Cut it out we're calling mall security." 

They ran off. I was annoyed, and mall security took fucking forever to come and help us. It's easy for people to say stand up for yourself against harassment, but you never know what people are brazen enough to do with an unengaged crowd. 

25 December 2017

Today, I met some girls at a ramen shop.

It was in Waikiki and it's literally the only place that's open on Christmas in Hawaii. That's fine. I get it, a lot of people don't want to be open on Christmas. Except, everyone who is a tourist was there... And it looked like the ramen shop girls didn't know how to handle it.

There was a paper sheet, but also a line queuing up for people who wanted to get in there. When we asked which one we should do, they said it didn't matter... But they go off the paper first. Fortunately, we were committed to waiting in line, so nothing lost. 

Also, I don't know which one it is... But in the Waikiki Yokocho, it's the one where you can add your own freshly grated garlic. DELICIOUS.

24 December 2017

Today, I met my manager's kid. 

It isn't like I met her before, but it was my coworker's first time meeting her. This is the conversation that was relayed to me 3 separate times after she came with my manager to bring in food for the team.

She saw our new team member, who is... An older blond gentleman. His blond is so blond, it's almost white. He also maintains a buzzed cut, which makes him look older... That being said, this is the ensuing conversation.

"Is it your retirement party?"
"I mean, is that why we're bringing all the food? Because you're retiring?"

YIKES. I felt so bad. I mean kids really do say the damnest things. 

23 December 2017

Today, I was reacquainted with some friends from the past.

A good friend of mine had an engagement party, and it was basically like we were in high school again. Everyone was silly, and strange, and almost childish when we were together. My mom always says that the older you get, the more you yearn for people who knew you when you were younger.

Not all of them knew me when I was young, but we all knew each other enough through our awkward phases... And that was enough. I've always said that people don't necessarily chage, they become more themselves. Some people's permanent state of being is never known who they are.

And that's ok. 


22 December 2017

Today I met a med school student. 

I respect people who go to med school, it's truly a calling. But man, some people... Just let it get to their heads. Here's our conversation.

"Hey, how's it going today? Can I help you with anything?"
"No, I'm good, how are you doing?"
"Well, I'm cold."
"Oh. That's too bad, maybe you can set all the computers on fire."

Ok, this was probably an obvious attempt at flirting, but let's continue.

"That might be good in the short term, but it won't work out in the long term since I won't have a job."
"Well, you know, you gotta YOLO."
"Nah, I'm good. Anyway, what do you do?"
"I'm a med school student."
"You're a med school student and you're telling me to YOLO? Isn't that a 10 year commitment?"
"Yeah, but that's ok. What are you? In college?"
"No, I'm done with college."
"Oh, so we're almost the same age."
"When did you graduate high school?"
"Oh, so you're like a year younger than me. Wow, so old." 

The heck? It's only a year.

"Slow down, it's only a year."
"Well a lot can happen in a year, like you could set this place on fire and finally be warm."
"Yeah... Or you could fail med school."
"It wouldn't take me a year."
"You're right, it would take you a semester."


21 December 2017

Today I met an FAA Trainer.

He came to the store in a huff because he needed to sign his contracts. I took over the interaction and we managed to fix his problem. Did you know that Adobe does digital signatures linked to your email to confirm your identity.

"We can't actually put your signature on it, but we can do a digital one."
"What's a digital one?"
"It's electronically linked to your email."
"Why not my normal one? Can't I change the document."
"Well, based on how they designed the PDF, they want a digital one."
"Oh, so it isn't me?"

Turns out that after years of working as one of the Air Traffic Controllers, he'd be training them in Oklahoma somewhere. He was super thankful that I helped him and shook my hand several times. Good luck to him!

20 December 2017

Today I met some people at Macy's.

They looked absolutely miserable, and didn't want to be there. The presentation of the products there showed it as well. I had to go through a few different boxes to find the least damaged tempurpedic pillow BOX since it was for a present. Then, when I was ready to purchase, the girl looked like I was bothering her at the cash register... Even though it's her job! Geez.

Presentation matters. Attitude matters. I feel like I care about this because I have to coach it all day and night with people... But damn. At least try.

19 December 2017

Today I met some people in this new Mexican place at Shirokiya.

They were nice enough, and there wasn't much of a line. So I thought. It took 20 minutes to make me some freaking nachos! Holy crap. To be fair, there was one cook... But holy crap, 20 minutes. I can make myself nachos in 20 minutes. The Mexican food place is the only one in Shirokiya's Japan walk so it was definitely out of place.

Overall not impressed, I'll stick to my Alejandro's.